

Hey,Hey! I decided to moved the site...the new site is www.therealgurl.com. There is still a lot of work to be done, but so worth the fresh start. I might NOT switch posts over to the new site because of the time consumption so if there is any old posts that you want to read, this site will still be up. Thank you, and come join me!




Vocab. Let's Build Together! #2

Ready for this week's new word? Or am I the only one that's excited? Well, here it is:

Caprice -A sudden unpredictable change, as of a person's mind or the whether.

*It's a noun.

Words similar to Caprice: impulsive, whimsy, inconsistency

Words opposite to Caprice: constant, dependability

Use in everyday life: "Because he walked so fast, his caprice decision to leave the room resulted in him jamming his finger on the hinge of the door."

Quote Of The Week

"Face whatever it is you FEAR until it is no longer a worry." -Anonymous


So Exactly How Much Water Should I Be Drinking ?

photo source: stockfresh.com --> this picture looks yummy :)
In the past couple of weeks, I have dragged my lazy butt back into fitness mode. It has been a long time since I've started back working out, and I've noticed the only time I have been guzzling down water is when I hop off elliptical machine drenched in sweat. I normally drink maybe a cup while I am at work, then juice. There has to be something wrong here.
Recently, I learned that the average 18-30 year old is lacking their water intake. Sure, with soda and now the energy drink market being at an all time high (actually, the energy drink market is surpassing soda sales!) people seemed to be more focused on staying awake to get through the day than to stay hydrated to stay alive. The average 18-30 year old is dehydrated and they don't even know it!! That's unbelievable. Now I am no doctor, but being dehydrated does no bueno for your skin, brain, digestive system, and overall energy. There is a difference when drinking your proper intake of water as oppose to gulping down a Pepsi (no shade).

So here's what I've learned:

In order to stay hydrated, the average human needs to drink half of their body weight in fluid ounces daily!

For example----> My weight- 127 [I'm a skinny mini]
127/2 = 63.5 or 64oz of water!

*64 ounces of water is about four 16 oz water bottles!

Your water intake will vary depending on your weight. But realize that it is incredibly important to take care of yourself. We all have those 'I need sugar and caffeine in my life NOW' days, but by drinking the proper intake of water that you should daily will do all the work for you!
