We've all had experiences in life when it's taken a turn for the worse. Say you had a great job, and lost it out of the blue. Or maybe you were attending college, but the funds to complete your degree went low and you couldn't finish. Maybe you were in a sweet loving relationship that went sour. Well gurls, I'm here to tell you that whatever your going through at this moment mentioned above or worse, ITS ALL FOR A REASON! Trust me. We tend to view "bad" events happening in our lives as a setback, or being punished. Every challenge that we face is always meant to happen for the better. For example...
This is a story all about how, my life got flipped turned upside down:
I wanted to attend a university that I've been trying my darnest to get into since I was in 12th grade. It seemed that every time I was close to getting my foot on that campus, I was blocked. On my first attempt, I didn't get accepted. I decided to enhance my GPA and try again. I attended a community college for 2 years, in which I received my A.A with an increased GPA. I knew for sure this time around, I was getting into that school. When I received that acceptance letter in the mail last April, I was elated. All I had to do in the summer was get my finances in order to pay tuition... **BIG SIGHS**. Long story short, I took a look at my bank account balance, then the invoice for the 2011/2012 year. I'm still living at home.
I went through every possible lane to get to that school. Loans, Grants, figuring out ways to commute, off campus living, etc. I still would have been in a rut. After the stress, the summer heat, back and forth, getting turned down by student loan companies, I cried. I cried hysterically because I felt as if God was punishing me. I ask Him, "What did I do to deserve this?"
Fast forward from Summer 2011 to now: I had to evaluate my situation. I had to figure out what my pursuits were. I thought about my dreams and visions and the things I wanted in my life at this point. Now, my life has been shifted into a completely different direction. So many incredible opportunities, ideas, heightened visions and dreams have came my way since that roadblock hit me last summer. I realized, maybe It was best that I'd never step foot on that campus. I cannot even picture being on that campus right now with the things I've been doing now. I am truly blessed and very happy that I decided to remind myself of my vision instead of dwelling on the shoulda, coulda, woulda's.
This story wasn't life threatening to say the least, but I'm sharing this personal event with you just to let you know that your setbacks don't mean "It's over!", it just means that "There's something better!"God never punishes, He only rewards. Although you may think you desire something, that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to come to fruition. Sometimes, your way isn't His way.
We should always look at the possible outcomes when we face mishaps. There is ALWAYS a valuable lesson in the end! Just Be Strong. Open your mind, and PAY ATTENTION.
3 POSITIVE thoughts to have when overcoming challenges:
- "What can I learned from this? "
- " This is only temporary. Something better is coming my way!"
- "I am STRONG. Nothing and No one can keep me down!"
I know it might sounds silly now, but when faced with a burden those thoughts are so powerful. Start rising above your challenges in life, instead of burying yourself in them.
**DISCLAIMER** These tips are just here to help you become a powerful thinker, not a Power Ranger. That is all.