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People never cease to stun me. In the midst of this beautiful summer, I would assume they would be chipper, merry, or at least smiling. I work in retail, so the primary mission (or at least corporate's) in my job description is to put the customer first. We employers in retail expect our consumers to leave with a highly satisfying experience shopping in our store. Some of them meet our expectations...I'll say about 10%. Now the other 90%, a whole other story.
When I see a customer walk into the store, I impulsively greet them with a "Hello, how are you doing today?" The 90% respond by irately saying "OK", or rudely walk past me without a response.
Now this leaves me puzzled because at all times, I'm smiling, and try to be as optimistic as ever despite the fact that I' m not to fond of my job. This is also how I am in general. It is in my nature to smile and greet people who walk past me. I've seen so many beautiful people walking around with stone cold faces, and a offer such an unwelcoming vibe that makes you wonder "Who/What the hell F'd your day up".
Going back to that 90% of unfriendly people I encounter with at work leaves me curious as to wonder if 90% of people in general walk around with such a negative spirit. Now there is such thing as " having a bad day", but do you think it is appropriate to display that to world? Believe it or not, A bad attitude says a lot about you as a person.
A Negative Attitude Shows:
--->that your on defense mode at all times. With that defense wall up, people would have a hard time getting to know you. It also shows that your not willing to to do likewise.
--->your ungrateful (yes, I said it). If your one of those people who love to complain and rant about the things that are not going right or what you do not have, it shows that you are unappreciative of the things relevant in your life.
--->your close minded. An open mind often leads to positive thoughts which then leads to a better view of your life. Words like "can't, don't ,tired, won't, or never" lives in a mind that does not seek for change.
There are so many other traits that negativity in a person could display. But instead of prolonging the problem, I decided to share 3 tips I use that can create a start to a better attitude.
*DISCLAIMER:* I'm not a psychologist, so don't fact check me (lol). This is what I live by.
TIP #1 ---> SMILE. Whether you feel like it or not. Smiling boosts your self-esteem, decreases stress, and makes your overall mood so much better. Now I'm not saying to smile 24/7 (would be kind of creepy). But when greeted or complimented, a smile can shows that your appreciative. Most importantly, SMILE=CONFIDENCE! To walk into room, store, wherever with a confident smile shows that your approachable and shows that your full of personality.
TIP#2-->Increase your OPTIMISM! Change negative events in your life into positive outcomes.
For example: "I didn't get the job at the bank. They choose someone better than me. I wasn't good enough." <---Instead of that try this --->" I didn't get the job at the bank. They choose someone with more experience. If I gain at least 6 months of customer service at the clothing store I work at right now, I'll re-apply again with a better chance of earning the position."
It is not easy to do this, but shifting your thoughts changes to way you see yourself which builds you up. You will always receive something better as an award ;)
TIP #3---> STOP COMPLAINING! So what your not making enough money, or hate your job, or the dinky car your driving? Complaining is not going to change it. When people do complain, it is mostly about things that can be altered. If your not willing to change, then be grateful for what you have and move on.
For example: " I hate my job, I only make enough to pay all my bills." <---STOP that! Try saying this ---> " Without this job, I wouldn't be able to pay my bills on time. However, I would love to make some extra money to spend on myself. I'll ask the boss if they're any promotional opportunities for me."
It sounds so much better if you have a formulated plan to change what you do not like.
So, there you have it. I would hope that the 90% of people I witness with terrible, negative attitudes are really working on themselves for the better. All I can do is SMILE and go along about my business because at the end of the day, I reflect on my day being wonderful , fulfilling, and blessed to live it.
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